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Allie "Synergy" Harrington


Hometown: Bel Air, MD

Ethnicity: Irish, German, Italian

Year: Senior 

Position: Associate

Major(s): LER

Minor: Asian Studies

Big Sis: Stephanie "Bleubelle" Moore

Little Sis: Christie "Solstice" Okoshi

Family: Diva


Why did you join SOPi?: After spending the fall semester of my freshman year feeling a bit lost and overwhelmed at college, I decided I wanted to go looking for a place to call my own in the upcoming years. Through a friend of mine I heard about SOPi and decided to rush to see what they were all about. From the moment I met the sisters I never looked back. I realized that SOPi was different, they looked to one another as close friends who knew each other inside and out, not just as a number which I frequently noticed in larger orgs. I went looking for the type of genuine friends in life that I could only imagine up until that point, and before I knew it I ended up with sisters by my side. Joining SOPi is by far one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life! I’ve gained sisterhood, networking, leadership positions and skills that I can’t gain from just going to class, and above all a home within the sisterhood that I will have for the rest of my life. Although I knew very little of Greek life, I’m glad I gave SOPi a shot for it has become a huge part of my life and I would not be the same person I am today without it.


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