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Evelyn "GEMuwine" Tyan


Hometown: Bethesda, MD

Ethnicity: Singaporean, Taiwanese, and Chinese

Year: Alumna


Major(s): Health Policy and Administration

Minor(s): IST & LER

Big Sis: Pei "Jada K.I.S.S." Pei

Little Sis: Lianne "GloriAna" Luu and Casey "CascAda" Haray

Family: Vixen Women


Why did you join SOPi?: I joined SOPi because I wanted to be involved at Penn State but I wanted to do so with good friends. I wanted a good group of girls I could fall back to and can rely on, because when I came to Penn State I tended to make friends with guys but not girls. SOPi was the best choice for getting involved at Penn State, but also gave me a chance to meet some amazing people who I will have for a lifetime. It definitely has given me that first step of college experience.


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