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Congratulations to our new Psi Class!

Congratulations to the ladies of our Psi Class for crossing into our amazing sisterhood. They have worked extremely hard and deserve it! Also, a big congratulations to Evelyn "GEMuwine" Tyan for crossing her 9 kids and to all of the bigs who crossed their precious littles!

We proudly welcome and introduce these ladies into the sweetest sisterhood!

#109 - Johnna "eSpeon" Morales

#110 - Sushmitha "niRvana" Suresh

#111 - Nicole "DemuRé" Hoang

#112 - Auzi "PhoEnix" Khanahmadi

#113 - Caroline "illuxtria" Moy

#114 - Brooke "Bellatrix" Jin

#115 - Lisa "XiAnova" Lee

#116 - Emily "EuMELia" Miao

#117 - Vivian "Clarity" Lee

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